
A bit of music from the lamented Radio Blog Club

Le Français

Toujours, je suis désolé pour mes amis( et amies) français(es), mais il est difficile pour moi d'écire en français. Peut-être un jour...
S.V.P. regardez ce LIEN

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Music/Computer Fans: don't miss this!

From time to time, I have had occasion to plug a blog or two in this pages.

This time it is again the turn of the amazingly resourceful CM, who regularly manages to find extraordinary, bizarre and wonderful things to feature there (when she isn't complaining about the current French government that is!).

Continuing on a musical note (groan) you might have noticed that I have expanded my playlist considerably: press the "play" symbol and you will get random selections, or you can click on any individual track that catches your eye. For a change of mood CM has a rocky playlist with some great classics, whilst those of you who read and maybe even enjoy my rants and "political incorrectitudes" here, might care to visit my second blog, Styx (which is not about cars but about other stuff). There is a rather different playlist there...

À bientôt

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Sod the Law!


New Internet Speed test

Music and Radio Blog Club

Radio Blog Club, a good friend for a while appears to be in some legislative difficulty...

However, in tribute to its brave effort, I shall leave the existing track on this page (which amazingly still works)

Sadly my Playlist no longer works (hence its removal) thanks to the absurd "Hadopi" legislation in France. Apologies to all.