
A bit of music from the lamented Radio Blog Club

Le Français

Toujours, je suis désolé pour mes amis( et amies) français(es), mais il est difficile pour moi d'écire en français. Peut-être un jour...
S.V.P. regardez ce LIEN

Friday, February 08, 2008


This rather nice image was sent to me by another of those who take the trouble to comment hereabouts!

It comes from an interesting place - a place for which I wonder what the future holds. It is "Le Musée du Fumeur" - "The Smoker's Museum" which is situated in the 11th arrondissment in Paris. Those who are interested may like to know that the site is available in both English and French.

I am amazed that the government has not closed it down yet... There appear to be plenty of pictures of smokers enjoying themselves. These days I think that enjoyment is off the menu.

Thanks Fleur!

À bientôt


Fleur said...

Paul, I just see you post this night.
L'image de cette élégante fumeuse langoureuse (languid? languishing? languorous?) me rappelle aussi un moment* d'illusion dans le conte "An Egyptian Cigarette", de Kate Chopin, que vous nous aviez fait connaître.

(*"I took one long inspiration of the Egyptian cigarette. The grey-green smoke arose in a small puffy column that spread and broadened, that seemed to fill the room." K. Chopin)

Et vous avez vu les photos des propriétaires du musée, leur air réjoui en allumant le cigare?
It will be a private pleasure, now!
very private... (like "intimité"...)

Good night

Fleur said...

youR post (sorry)

Fleur said...

And I just see your new catch phrase or slogan and the cm's one: very good and funny... It's energic (fierce and forceful? or vigorous and drastic?)!

Paul said...

Oui Fleur, tristement, trés intimé!

Paul said...

Sorry Fleur about the delay in uploading the comments: somehow I missed the emails

Sod the Law!


New Internet Speed test

Music and Radio Blog Club

Radio Blog Club, a good friend for a while appears to be in some legislative difficulty...

However, in tribute to its brave effort, I shall leave the existing track on this page (which amazingly still works)

Sadly my Playlist no longer works (hence its removal) thanks to the absurd "Hadopi" legislation in France. Apologies to all.